Quantum Science and Technology, Argentina 2019, consists of two main activities, a School and a Workshop, organised with the same goal: Present the most recent advances in the study of the most basic and puzzling aspects of quantum physics and its applications to the development of a new set of quantum technologies (quantum computers, quantum sensors, quantum simulators, etc).
The School will be organised in Buenos Aires from July 15th to July 24th 2019. It runs under the name “XXI Giambiagi Winter School” and will take place at the Physics Department of the School of Natural and Exact Sciences (FCEyN) of the University of Buenos Aires. It will consist of a set of eight courses (between three and four lectures each) and will focus on Quantum Information and Quantum Simulations with Cold Trapped Ions. Confirmed lecturers are David Wineland, Ignacio Cirac, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Janet Anders, Anna Sanpera, Michel Brune, Laurence Pruvost and Luiz Davidovich. More details can be found here (including links for registration, etc).
The Workshop will take place in Puerto Madryn, a city located in the coast of the Province of Chubut, in the Argentinian Patagonic region. In this conference, organised between October 29th and November 1st 2019, world experts in areas related with Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information will gather to discuss recent advances in these flourishing areas of physics. Again, the emphasis will be not only on the discussion of fundamental aspects of quantum theory, the study of the decoherence process, the dynamics of quantum open systems, quantum information, quantum computation but also on the most recent advances in quantum technologies in general. The meeting will join both theorists and experimentalists to discuss at the highest level about the future of quantum science and technology. The conference will include invited lectures, contributed talks and poster presentation. More details (including registration, venue, preliminary list of invited speakers, etc) can be found here.